Happy Life Wealth Management Inc.’s "Culture of China - Water Cube Cup" —— Chinese Song Contest

On July 23, 2022, Happy Life Wealth Management Inc. was a title sponsor of the "Culture of China - Water Cube Cup," a Chinese Song Contest for the Canadian Calgary Region Finals. The even was held at Lakeview Church in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Seventeen finalists from Saskatchewan and Alberta performed brilliantly on stage, and four local art groups from Saskatoon also gave wonderful performances, bringing the first large-scale cultural party after the pandemic to an audience of more than 700 people.

Photos by Confucius Institute at the University of Saskatchewan

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Happy Life Wealth Management Inc. attended the "2022 Trade Show & Networking" event organized by the Markham Board of Trade on September 22, 2022.


Mr. Eric Luo, the founder of Happy Life Wealth Management Inc., received the 70th Anniversary Platinum Memorial Medal from the Queen Elizabeth II